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About Bonnie


When I was 11 years old, I took a sewing class and it became my passion. I’ve been creating ever since! There are so many things that have inspired my designs shapes, colors, textures, photos, keys, flowers pretty much anything and everything. I spend every free moment looking for treasures at fabric stores, garage sales and antique shops.


Though I was formally educated as a Registered Nurse, I decided to create Bonnie Martin Designs to allow me to blend the two most important things in my life being available to my children by working out of my home and designing “wearable art.” It has been a thrill to watch the business grow. I now have a very loyal following in Austin, Dallas, and Houston and get inquiries from around the country, including from Los Angeles, New York, and Santa Fe. I hope you enjoy my creations, and thank you for visiting my site!


In recent years I have returned to my former profession as a Registered Nurse. My sons have grown and I am balancing my two passions.



About The Graffiti Project


I conceived of this project after visiting my son in the Bay area of California. While in San Francisco, I was introduced to Clarion Alley where street artists have been painting murals as a form of social commentary since the 1960's. The depictions covering the alley walls were incredibly creative, beautiful and awe-inspiring and I took many photographs. Later I had the idea to take images of graffiti from different cities, collage them and then transfer the images to leather to create a new line of handbags and accessories. My hope is to call attention to these talented, anonymous artists and in the process give back to their local communities by donating a portion of all graffiti project sales to mental health and homeless shelters in the cities of the art’s origin. In this way, my new venture will be a means of helping the less fortunate. I hope you enjoy my new creations.

© 2018 Bonnie Martin, Inc.

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